2XU OL MCS Run Comp Tight, Karla

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2XU OL Run Compression Shorts, Karla Original price was: 8.990 kr..Current price is: 4.495 kr..

Original price was: 22.990 kr..Current price is: 11.495 kr..

Light Speed þrýstibuxur með MCS tækni sem styður við fæturna þína og spornar gegn óeirð og vöðvaþreytu á hlaupum.


  • Stífur þrýstingur (23-25 mmhg) sem stuðlar að blóðflæði
  • Sveigjanlegt og létt PWX efni
  • MCS tækni sem nær yfir læri og kálfa
  • Miðlungsháar, stillanlegar í mitti
  • Stór vasi fyrir síma og renndur vasi fyrir kort og lykla
  • Netavasi fyrir gel
  • Endurskin að framan og aftanverðu

Efni: Að framan: PWX Weight 70D, 72% nylon og 28% lycra, að framan: PWX Weight 160D: 65% nylon og 35% lycra

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Light Speed Mid-Rise Compression Tights

Muscle Containment Stamping (MCS): Muscle Containment Stamping (MCS) traces quadriceps; to dissipate the load transfer on the knee joint, and calf; to alleivate muscle strain during the toe phase of running.

Lightweight & Flexible Support: Powerful, lightweight PWX fabric with circular knit 360-degree stretch, reduces muscle movement and damage whilst maintaining flexibility for ultimate sports performance.

Graduated Compression: Firm graduated compression boosts blood flow to muscles, improving performance, lowering risk of injury and speeding up recovery.

Waistband Storage: Mid-Rise power mesh waistband for body sculpting secure fit with three back pockets provide bounce-free storage for phone, cards and keys as well as gels.

Quick-Drying: High quality, durable, moisture-wicking yarns outlast the competition to provide squat proof coverage and keep the skin cool and dry.

Be Seen: Reflective X logo on thigh provides visibility in low-light conditions.

Þyngd 0,32 kg

Black/Aquamarine Reflective




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Light Speed Mid-Rise Compression Tights

Muscle Containment Stamping (MCS): Muscle Containment Stamping (MCS) traces quadriceps; to dissipate the load transfer on the knee joint, and calf; to alleivate muscle strain during the toe phase of running.

Lightweight & Flexible Support: Powerful, lightweight PWX fabric with circular knit 360-degree stretch, reduces muscle movement and damage whilst maintaining flexibility for ultimate sports performance.

Graduated Compression: Firm graduated compression boosts blood flow to muscles, improving performance, lowering risk of injury and speeding up recovery.

Waistband Storage: Mid-Rise power mesh waistband for body sculpting secure fit with three back pockets provide bounce-free storage for phone, cards and keys as well as gels.

Quick-Drying: High quality, durable, moisture-wicking yarns outlast the competition to provide squat proof coverage and keep the skin cool and dry.

Be Seen: Reflective X logo on thigh provides visibility in low-light conditions.

Þyngd 0,32 kg

Black/Aquamarine Reflective




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