SKLZ Soccer Trainer Solo 90x150cm

23.990 kr.

Hannað til að hjálpa við að auka sendingar, móttöku og að taka boltann niður.

Netið hjálpar leikmanni að æfa sendingartækni og fyrstu snertingu.

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Vörunúmer: imp0338 Flokkar: , ,

Stærð: 106cm breidd-  90cm Hæð – 150cm Lengd

  • Settle the ball out of the air with your feet, thighs, and chest while maximizing reps
  • Work on volleys and half volleys with instep and laces
  • Portable, lightweight and stores easily
  • Attached spikes to secure net to ground
  • Carry bag included

Stærð: 106cm breidd-  90cm Hæð – 150cm Lengd

  • Settle the ball out of the air with your feet, thighs, and chest while maximizing reps
  • Work on volleys and half volleys with instep and laces
  • Portable, lightweight and stores easily
  • Attached spikes to secure net to ground
  • Carry bag included