13.900 kr.

Hraðaaukning og fyrsta skrefið eru nauðsynlegir þætti í nánast hvaða íþrótt sem er. Með því að nota sannaða aðferð “overload and release” þjálfunaraðferðir hjálpar hraðaþjálfinn frá SKLZ  Íþróttamönnum á öllum stigum að auka hraða, bæta fyrsta skrefsins og hámarkshraða.

Helstu Eiginleikar og kostir:

  • Byggðu upp nýjan hraða og kraft
  • Notaðu dýnamíska “load and release” þjálfunaraðferð sem hefur verið sýnt fram á að auki hraða
  • Þjálfaðu hraðann í allar áttir (fram, aftur og til hliðar).
  • Höggdeyfandi handfang sem dregur úr of miklu álagni og óeðlilegum hreyfingum.

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Elite athletes need elite speed
From starting speed to acceleration to top-end power, athletes and coaches alike know speed is a must for serious performance. The Acceleration Trainer puts the dynamic resistance, overload and release method world-class racers use in your hands to add new levels of speed and power in any athlete.

Lower body power up
The Acceleration Trainer lets your athletes build their lower body and leg power through proven overload training. And with its unique force absorbing quick release strap, you won’t have to worry about over-pulling or having an erratic grip that can interfere with training sessions.

Instant feedback, proven results
With its multi-directional ring and quick release design, the Acceleration Trainer gives you the power to train athletes in any direction. At the same time, it provides the instant feedback and seamless release athletes need to fine-tune performance.



Elite athletes need elite speed
From starting speed to acceleration to top-end power, athletes and coaches alike know speed is a must for serious performance. The Acceleration Trainer puts the dynamic resistance, overload and release method world-class racers use in your hands to add new levels of speed and power in any athlete.

Lower body power up
The Acceleration Trainer lets your athletes build their lower body and leg power through proven overload training. And with its unique force absorbing quick release strap, you won’t have to worry about over-pulling or having an erratic grip that can interfere with training sessions.

Instant feedback, proven results
With its multi-directional ring and quick release design, the Acceleration Trainer gives you the power to train athletes in any direction. At the same time, it provides the instant feedback and seamless release athletes need to fine-tune performance.

