1.390 kr.

RX Athletic Locker-Tape er sterkt íþróttateip sem teygist ekki og er hannað fyrir hámarksstuðning á vörn hvort sem það er á æfingum eða í keppni. Teipið getur hjálpað til við að koma í veg fyrir meiðsli eða verja liði eða vöðva sem eru nú þegar meiddir.

Þökk sé hágæða sinkoxí lími helst íþróttateipið á sínum stað jafnvel í krefjandi og sveittum keppnum eða æfingum. Sniðlaga brúnin gerir þér kleift að nota teipið hratt og auðveldlega án þess að þurfa að nota skæri.

Helstu eiginleikar og notkunarsvið

  • Sterkt, óteygjanlegt efni með einstaka endingu
  • Sterkt og húðvænt sinkoxí lím
  • Notað til þess að veita liðum, vöðvum og liðböndum stöðugleika
  • Hentar til notkunnar í fjölmörgum íþróttum sem og hversdagslega
  • Fljótleg og auðvelda notkun (engin skæri nauðsynleg)
Bæta á óskalista
Bæta á óskalista
Vörunúmer: rehtape Flokkar: ,


  • Material: 100% viscose fabric (skin-friendly and breathable)
  • Adhesive: Zinc Oxide Adhesive*
  • Colors: Black with white logo and white with black logo
  • Dimension per roll: 38mm x 10m


  • STEP 1: Attach the tape to one part of the body (finger, ankle, wrist, etc.)
  • STEP 2: Wrap the tape, 3-4 times around with medium-tight pressure
  • STEP 3: Tear off the tape
  • STEP 4: Press the tape on for an optimal fit and to insure good adhesion
  • ALTERNATIVE: Relax. 20cm (8in) long tape strip from the roll in advance, tear it off and then fasten it as described.


*This product contains latex which may cause skin irritation in individual cases. In case of allergic reaction, please discontinue use and contact a physician immediately.

  • Do not use on open wounds
  • Do not apply/strap too tightly
  • Do not store the tape in direct sunlight or- high temperature
  • Keep out oft he reach of children
  • The use of this tape is not a substitute for therapeutic treatment
  • For best results, apply to clean, dry skin
Þyngd 0,3 kg





  • Material: 100% viscose fabric (skin-friendly and breathable)
  • Adhesive: Zinc Oxide Adhesive*
  • Colors: Black with white logo and white with black logo
  • Dimension per roll: 38mm x 10m


  • STEP 1: Attach the tape to one part of the body (finger, ankle, wrist, etc.)
  • STEP 2: Wrap the tape, 3-4 times around with medium-tight pressure
  • STEP 3: Tear off the tape
  • STEP 4: Press the tape on for an optimal fit and to insure good adhesion
  • ALTERNATIVE: Relax. 20cm (8in) long tape strip from the roll in advance, tear it off and then fasten it as described.


*This product contains latex which may cause skin irritation in individual cases. In case of allergic reaction, please discontinue use and contact a physician immediately.

  • Do not use on open wounds
  • Do not apply/strap too tightly
  • Do not store the tape in direct sunlight or- high temperature
  • Keep out oft he reach of children
  • The use of this tape is not a substitute for therapeutic treatment
  • For best results, apply to clean, dry skin
Þyngd 0,3 kg


