On Soft Flask 0.5L

3.990 kr.

Mjúkur brúsi sem er hannaður til að passa einstaklega vel í hlaupavesti eða vera notaður einn og sér. Brúsi tekur allt að 500ml af vökva.

Helstu eiginleikar

  • Þyngd: 37 g
  • Mjúkur brúsi, hannaður til að passa í hlaupavesti
  • Getur rúmað 500 ml af svalandi drykk
  • BPA- og PVC-frítt efni
  • Lekavarin hönnun svo enginn dropi fari til spillis
  • Vítt op sem gerir hreinsun mun auðveldari eftir notkun
  • Auðvelt að hella, fylla og þrífa – hvað þarftu meira?
  • Þolir uppþvottavél, bara settu hann inn og láttu hana sjá um rest
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Vörunúmer: 2ue1037 Flokkar: ,
Hydration hit

Hydration hit

Quench your thirst. Whether you’re hitting the path or the pavement, the Soft Flask 500ml keeps you hydrated on the move. When you’re done – slip it into the Ultra Vest and keep on going and going.

2UE10371924-soft flask 500ml-ss24-translucent-u-4x5-h2

Anti-leak design

The anti-leak lid means it won’t leak, even if it’s upside down or on its side. Staying hydrated just got easier.


Wide opening

Simply unscrew the section on top of the bottle to fill or clean it easily. No more mucking about.

Þyngd 0,3 kg


Hydration hit

Hydration hit

Quench your thirst. Whether you’re hitting the path or the pavement, the Soft Flask 500ml keeps you hydrated on the move. When you’re done – slip it into the Ultra Vest and keep on going and going.

2UE10371924-soft flask 500ml-ss24-translucent-u-4x5-h2

Anti-leak design

The anti-leak lid means it won’t leak, even if it’s upside down or on its side. Staying hydrated just got easier.


Wide opening

Simply unscrew the section on top of the bottle to fill or clean it easily. No more mucking about.

Þyngd 0,3 kg
