On Performance Tank, Karla

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On Trail Breaker, Karla Original price was: 27.990 kr..Current price is: 14.394 kr..

Original price was: 10.990 kr..Current price is: 6.594 kr..

Ný og uppfærð útgáfa af klassíska performance-t frá On, Hlýrabolurinn er fisléttur og andar vel og hentar því fullkomlega í hlaup eða æfingar.

Helstu eiginleikar

  • On DryTec™ tækni sem þornar hratt og andar vel

  • Fislétt hönnun

  • Þægilegir og faldir saumar

  • Nýtískuleg og mínímalísk hönnun

  • Spornar gegn svitamyndun

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Taped seams, streamlined design

The last things you want to feel from your running apparel are hard points and distracting details. That’s why we made this Performance Tank taped and seamless, so it feels pretty much like nothing. But, has a performance look that shows you mean business.

On DryTec™ technology

You may be fast, but this quick-drying top may be faster. Lightweight On DryTec™ technology fabrics wick sweat away from your skin, and highly breathable mesh means you’ll feel maximum airflow as your pace picks up.

Lightweight construction

Feel nothing. The intelligent seams of the Performance Tank and the overall fit are designed to work with the movement of your body. No chafing. No distractions. Where speed meets comfort, it’s quality over quantity.

Þyngd 0,3 kg










Taped seams, streamlined design

The last things you want to feel from your running apparel are hard points and distracting details. That’s why we made this Performance Tank taped and seamless, so it feels pretty much like nothing. But, has a performance look that shows you mean business.

On DryTec™ technology

You may be fast, but this quick-drying top may be faster. Lightweight On DryTec™ technology fabrics wick sweat away from your skin, and highly breathable mesh means you’ll feel maximum airflow as your pace picks up.

Lightweight construction

Feel nothing. The intelligent seams of the Performance Tank and the overall fit are designed to work with the movement of your body. No chafing. No distractions. Where speed meets comfort, it’s quality over quantity.

Þyngd 0,3 kg







