On Core Headband

4.990 kr.

Sportlegt höfuðband sem er fullkomið fyrir hlaupin í kaldara veðri. Mjúkur og þéttur bómull heldur á þér hita í kringum eyrun.

Helstu eiginleikar

  • Hágæða bómull fyrir hita og þægindi.

  • Hannað til að hylja eyrun.

  • Hannað til þess að haldast á þér á hlaupu.

  • Endurskin í logo-i.

  • Látlaus hönnun sem auðvelt er að dressa upp.

  • Teygjanlegt efni sem passar á allar höfuðstærðir.
Bæta á óskalista
Bæta á óskalista
Run-ready fit

Run-ready fit

The Core Headband has a snug and sporty fit that covers the ears while letting excess heat escape from your head. Made to stay put, so you can say goodbye to mid-run adjustments.

Soft, brushed materials

Soft, brushed materials

Brushed material on the inside of the headband feels soft on the skin and insulates against the cold. It’s also quick-drying, so you’ll feel fresh and comfortable. Ideal for temperatures between 0°C and 10°C.

Reflective elements

Reflective elements

Features reflective laser cut branding and logo on the front and back.

Run-ready fit

Run-ready fit

The Core Headband has a snug and sporty fit that covers the ears while letting excess heat escape from your head. Made to stay put, so you can say goodbye to mid-run adjustments.

Soft, brushed materials

Soft, brushed materials

Brushed material on the inside of the headband feels soft on the skin and insulates against the cold. It’s also quick-drying, so you’ll feel fresh and comfortable. Ideal for temperatures between 0°C and 10°C.

Reflective elements

Reflective elements

Features reflective laser cut branding and logo on the front and back.