BioTech IsoWhey 500gr.
5.690 kr.
Í hverjum skammti (25g):
93 kcal
21g prótein
4.5g BCAA
Framleiðsluferlið á Native Whey
Iso Whey Zero – Native Whey mysuprótein Isolate er unnið beint úr ferskri mjólk strax eftir að hún er gerilsneidd og örsíuð við lágan hita. Næst fer afurðin í sérstakt þurrkunarrými þar sem úr verður duft. Próteinið fær sérstaka og varlega meðferð og því er það mjög ríkt af ónæmisglóbúlínum og laktóferrín sem styðja ónæmiskerfið. Próteinið er líka einstaklega hreint og laust við öll smitefni.
Smelltu hér til að fá nánari upplýsingar um NATIVE WHEY ISOLATE
Við mælum með Iso Whey Zero ef þú:
Ert að leita af frábærum próteingjafa. Iso Whey Zero inniheldur 88% prótein, sem stuðlar að vexti og viðhaldi á vöðvavef og heilbrigðum beinum
Vilt hágæða prótein í mataræðið, en vilt forðast laktósa
Vilt prótein sem frásogast hratt eftir æfingar
Vilt bragðgóðan kaloríusnauðan og sætan drykk á meðan þú ert í niðurskurði
Þolir ekki glúten
Vilt fjölbreyttar og góðar bragðtegundir
Laktósi/mjólkursykur, er tvísykra sem er um 2-8% af þurrefni í mjólk. Við þurfum aðallega á laktósa að halda þegar við erum ungabörn og það er ekki óalgengt að fullorðnir einstaklingar framleiða ekki laktasa ensímið, sem þarf til að brjóta niður laktósa. Þeir sem framleiða ekki laktósa hafa mjólkuróþol og fjölmargir þjást af þeim kvilla. Þegar próteinið er framleitt í Iso Whey Zero, þá er laktósinn síaður frá með fjölþrepa háþróaðri síutækni. Niðurstaðan er mysuprótein isolate (einangrað) sem meltist auðveldlega og er auðleysanlegt í vökva.
Prótein er nauðsynlegt til að byggja upp vefi líkamans og við þurfum að fá það úr mataræðinu helst mjög reglulega. Við þurfum prótein til að nota í viðhald og uppbyggingu á vöðvum til að geta aðlagast æfingum og hversdagslegum hreyfingum. Þeir sem æfa mikið þurfa enn meira af próteini til að geta byggt upp meiri vöðvamassa. Sparneytin og hentug leið til að auka próteinmagn í mataræðinu er að nota fæðubótarefni. Það þarf bara próteinduft, hristibrúsa og vatn eða mjólk. Próteinduft er auðmeltanlegt og betra í magann en að borða mikið magn af kjöti. Prótein getur komið frá mjólk, kjöti og/eða plöntum. Prótein geta frásogast hratt (30-40min), miðlungshratt (1-2 klukkustundir) eða hægt (lengur en 2 klukkustundir).
Mjög hátt próteinhlutfall: 88%
Viðbætt með BCAA og L-glútamín
Án pálmaolíu
Auðugt af amínósýrum
Lítið af fitu og kolvetnum
Lítið af salti
Enginn viðbættur sykur
Ekkert glúten
Enginn laktósi
Það geta allir eignað sér tónaðan og skorin líkama með réttu mataræði og reglulegum æfingum. Það er hinsvegar algjörlega nauðsynlegt fyrir vöðvavef að fá reglulega rétt næringarefni fyrir viðhald og stækkun. Iso Whey Zero er mjög hreint hágæða mysuprótein isolate sem meltist hratt og auðveldlega. Inniheldur ekkert glúten, engan laktósa, engar transfitur og engan viðbættan sykur. 88% prótein, lítið af kolvetnum og hentar því vel fyrir þá sem vilja vera vöðvastæltir og skornir. Duftið er viðbætt með amínósýrum til að flýta endurbata. Nærðu vöðvana þína reglulega með Iso Whey Zero!
Líkt og með allar vörur frá BioTechUSA, þá eru innihaldsefnin í Iso Whey Zero örugg og vandlega valin.
Blandaðu einum skammti (25g/ 1 mæliskeið/ 2 kúfullar matskeiðar) við 200ml af vatni og drekktu tvisvar á dag.
Flokkur: Fæðubótarefni
Nutrition | 100 gr | 25 gr (serving) |
Energy | 1591 KJ / 375 Kcal | 398 KJ / 94 Kcal |
Total Fat
-Of Which Saturates |
2.6 g
1.8 g |
0.65 g
0.46 g |
-Of Which Sugar |
3.9 g
1.9 g |
0.98 g
0.48 g |
Protein | 84 g | 21 g |
Salt | 0.5 g | 0.13 g |
white chocolate:
Iso Whey Zero Blend 94% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine,BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], fully and partly hydrogenated coconutfat (contains milk), flavours, thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose),emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, vanillin, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides).Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphurdioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 90% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], cocoa powder, flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), vanillin. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 94% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), flavours, thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, vanillin, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), colour (tartrazine**). ** May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
cookie cream:
Iso Whey Zero Blend 91% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, chocolate powder (sugar, cocoa mass, fat-reduced cocoa powder, flavour), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), emulsifier (soy lecithin), cinnamon, salt, vanillin, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 92% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), acidity regulators (citric acid, potassium tartrates), emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), colour (Allura Red AC)**. ** May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 94% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), salt, thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), acid (citric acid), emulsifier (soy lecithin), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 95% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), emulsifier (soy lecithin), acid (citric acid), salt, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), colour (tartrazine)**. ** May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 93% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, colour (plain caramel), fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), salt, emulsifier (soy lecithin), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Caffe Latte:
Iso Whey Zero Blend 93% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine,BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], instant coffee (2.4%), flavours, fullyand partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), colour (plain caramel),thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), acidity regulator (potassiumtartrates), salt, caffeine anhydrous (0.24%), emulsifier (soy lecithin), sweeteners(sucralose, steviol glycosides), vanillin. Made in a plant that manufactures milk,egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.WARNINGS: High caffeine content. (44 mg caffeine/100 ml ready to drinkproduct). Not recommended for children, pregnant or breast-feeding women andcaffeine sensitive people.
Þyngd | 4,4 kg |
Litur |
Caffé Latte ,Salty Caramel ,Vanilla ,White Chocolate ,Chocolate ,Strawberry |
Stærð |
500gr |
Nutrition | 100 gr | 25 gr (serving) |
Energy | 1591 KJ / 375 Kcal | 398 KJ / 94 Kcal |
Total Fat
-Of Which Saturates |
2.6 g
1.8 g |
0.65 g
0.46 g |
-Of Which Sugar |
3.9 g
1.9 g |
0.98 g
0.48 g |
Protein | 84 g | 21 g |
Salt | 0.5 g | 0.13 g |
white chocolate:
Iso Whey Zero Blend 94% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine,BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], fully and partly hydrogenated coconutfat (contains milk), flavours, thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose),emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, vanillin, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides).Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphurdioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 90% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], cocoa powder, flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), vanillin. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 94% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), flavours, thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, vanillin, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), colour (tartrazine**). ** May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
cookie cream:
Iso Whey Zero Blend 91% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, chocolate powder (sugar, cocoa mass, fat-reduced cocoa powder, flavour), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), emulsifier (soy lecithin), cinnamon, salt, vanillin, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 92% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), acidity regulators (citric acid, potassium tartrates), emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), colour (Allura Red AC)**. ** May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 94% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), salt, thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), acid (citric acid), emulsifier (soy lecithin), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 95% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), emulsifier (soy lecithin), acid (citric acid), salt, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides), colour (tartrazine)**. ** May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Iso Whey Zero Blend 93% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], flavours, colour (plain caramel), fully and partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), salt, emulsifier (soy lecithin), thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol glycosides). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.
Caffe Latte:
Iso Whey Zero Blend 93% [whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine,BCAA’s (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine)], instant coffee (2.4%), flavours, fullyand partly hydrogenated coconut fat (contains milk), colour (plain caramel),thickener (sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), acidity regulator (potassiumtartrates), salt, caffeine anhydrous (0.24%), emulsifier (soy lecithin), sweeteners(sucralose, steviol glycosides), vanillin. Made in a plant that manufactures milk,egg, soy, gluten, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.WARNINGS: High caffeine content. (44 mg caffeine/100 ml ready to drinkproduct). Not recommended for children, pregnant or breast-feeding women andcaffeine sensitive people.
Þyngd | 4,4 kg |
Litur |
Caffé Latte ,Salty Caramel ,Vanilla ,White Chocolate ,Chocolate ,Strawberry |
Stærð |
500gr |